We’ve now been using micro-frontends for two years at Beamery. In May 2018 we wrote a post announcing to the world that we’d solved our legacy application problem. Legacy is a constant in JavaScript. Here’s how we solved it
14 min read Apps, React Share on Twitter or LinkedIn Building a well-functioning application requires good testing; otherwise, knowing whether your application works as expected would be a matter of guesswork and luck. Jest is one of the best tools available for testing React applications.
Key Ring by Denise Krebs. Cropped. Licensed under CC-BY-2.0. Good security hygiene includes keeping your credentials separate. You should have separate identities for work and personal tasks. Unfortunately, that’s not so easy with SSH and Git.
The universe around front-end development and especially React front-end development is getting more and more exciting with each and every day. Just about a month ago, a new state management library for React was open-sourced by Facebook software engineer Dave McCabe.
The React library has enjoyed a very active contribution from developers around the world who love it so much. Starting out as a library to develop user-interface for the web, you can now use React to create everything: web, mobile, and desktop apps.
It’s rare you will get to pick up a coding task from start to finish, especially if its a big task. If you do everything else will take a hit. Trust your team! You will never grow as a team if you try and control everything. All developers have strengths and weaknesses, including leads.
In an era where certain JavaScript frameworks become out of favor at lightening speed, frontend developers are busy rewriting applications using new, emerging ways all the time.
An off-main-thread architecture can significantly improve your app's reliability and user experience. In the past 20 years, the web has evolved dramatically from static documents with a few styles and images to complex, dynamic applications.
Linters and code formatters make a developer’s life easier. They help you to follow coding and formatting standards, without constantly thinking about it. Or in other words, based on the great work the authors Sendhil Mullainathan and Eldar Shafir (Scarcity: Why Having Too Little Means So Much Kindle Edition): They reduce the tax on the cognitive bandwidth (bandwidth tax) and developers can focus on other actions.
In this article, we’ll be looking at a new way of retrieving data in React Apps named SWR. This is a set of hooks for remote data fetching that makes things easier, such as caching, pagination, and so on. We’ll also be building a Pokedex App from scratch and using SWR features to get data and paginate it.
A scalable solution to sharing code between independent applications has never been convenient, and near impossible at scale. The closest we had was externals or DLLPlugin, forcing centralized dependency on a external file.
On my current React project, we are using the hooks provided by Apollo to fetch and mutate data with GraphQL. One of the components I wrote had a query that relied on data from a previous query. The component looked similar to this example:
Zoom provides a way to generate meeting reports of previous meetings. These reports can contain specific information about the participants, as well as results from polling questions. Here’s how to generate meeting reports in Zoom.
12 min read Tools, React, JavaScript Share on Twitter or LinkedIn In this article, we’re going to learn how to use Immer to write reducers. When working with React, we maintain a lot of state. To make updates to our state, we need to write a lot of reducers.
Preact is an alternative to the popular React library. It has fewer complexities and performs faster in comparison to React due to its smaller size of 3kb. Preact also uses the ES6 API similar to React. It was developed by Jason Miller to provide a feature set similar to React in a smaller package.
Automate your NodeJS package.json semver bumping on every pull request merge into master! Since I’ve been developing in NodeJS, one thing has always been a thorn in my side. Having to remember to bump the package.json version for our code releases.
Working with forms is one of the most challenging problems to solve when developing applications with React. React is a minimalist UI library focused only on controlling the behavior of the interface, making sure that the UI change appropriately as a response to the user’s activity.
In this article, Adeneye David Abiodun explains how to build a facial recognition web app with React by using the Face Recognition API, as well as the Face Detection model and Predict API.
My brother is a fresh computer engineering graduate and he is currently finishing his internship in front-end development. He learned about both CSS grid and flexbox, but I noticed a pattern that I see a lot on the web. He can’t decide when to use grid or flexbox.
It can seem daunting to estimate the effort involved in a large software project. And it’s easy to start thinking: “Because estimates are always wrong, they aren’t that valuable.” But there are many benefits of estimation.
Automation is a powerful tool. It both saves us time and can help to reduce human error. But automation can be tough and can sometimes prove to be costly. How can Github Actions help harden our code and give us more time to work on features instead of bugs?
Have you ever asked yourself what is better to use – Material UI or Bootstrap? It is a common question when you start working on a new project. Before we proceed to our list of top admin templates, let’s look through the difference between these two design technologies.
The Service Worker lifecycle is arguably the most complex part around Service Workers and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). I only felt like I understood it completely while writing this article, and I hope it will make your life with Service Workers a lot easier.
When it comes to SEO there are a lot of things you need to consider to keep your website up to date. This tool aims to help you with the technical side of On-Page SEO and includes a sorted list of best practices. And since I know that you're a busy person, I tried to implement them in a TL;DR way.
Treating your data as immutable brings many benefits. In fact, that’s a principle behind React: React elements are immutable. You might also be interested in learning about an Immutable App Architecture. Now I want to mark it as complete.
React Testing Library (RTL) by Kent C. Dodds got released as alternative to Airbnb's Enzyme. While Enzyme gives React developers utilities to test internals of React components, React Testing Library takes a step back and questions us "how to test React components to get full confidence in our React components": Rather than testing a component's implementation details, React Testing Library puts the developer in the shoes of an end user of an React application.
A relay network is a broad class of network topology commonly used in wireless networks, where the source and destination are interconnected by means of some nodes. - Wikipedia Relay is a JavaScript framework for declaratively fetching and managing GraphQL data.
There are many React state management libraries, and new ones pop up from time to time. But it is not every day that Facebook themselves introduce a state management solution.
React Native was first introduced in 2015 as a solution for developing cross-platform applications with native capabilities using the ReactJS framework.
I’ll share 27 top tips for Selenium test automation, which will help you get the most value out of automation testing efforts. In recent years, you’d hardly see an organization who had not transitioned to automation testing.
Redux is an amazing tool if you take the time to get to know it. One of the things about Redux that commonly trips people up is that reducers must be pure functions. The problem is that sometimes a reducer needs to make a complicated change to some input state, but you can’t just mutate the state argument without causing bugs.
In this post you’ll learn how to Lazy Load an Angular module. Lazy loading means that our code isn’t downloaded by the browser until it’s needed. For instance, if I login to /admin I would get a “chunk” of JavaScript code specifically for the Admin dashboard.
In this article, we'll look at how to design REST APIs to be easy to understand for anyone consuming them, future-proof, and secure and fast since they serve data to clients that may be confidential.
The World Wide Web of 2020 is a far cry from what it was just five years ago, never mind 20 or more. In the early 2000s, when the first screech of my dial-up modem died down and data began to course through the copper wires of my telephone connection into my desktop PC, I suddenly had all the world’s information at my fingertips—and boy, did I know it.
Is this actually a large Pull Request or are you just looking at too many generated files? Are those generated files even reviewed? If you’re using GitHub and work with generated files in your repository you may be seeing large diffs and merge conflicts as you update your newly generated files.
Most tech companies base compensation on an employee’s local cost of living, in addition to their skills and responsibilities. The pandemic-era push to remote work seems to be reinforcing that — if you only skim the headlines. For example, Facebook said last week that it would be readjusting salaries for employees who have relocated away from the Bay Area.
While going through React Europe 2020 highlights, this library caught my eye. Recoil, a minimal, fast and flexible state-management library that has Reactish API, semantics and behavior. Facebook’s employees have been using this library internally to handle performance-oriented apps.
Tailwind is a popular utility-first CSS framework that provides low-level class names to web developers. It does not have any JavaScript and works well with existing frameworks such as React, Vue, Angular, Ember, and others. Whilst this is positive, it can be confusing for new developers to understand how to integrate Tailwind in their applications. In this article, we’ll explore ways to build reusable React components using Tailwind.
Implemented with TypeScript, HTTPS, a CDN, CI/CD with Buddy and your own domain name. Here is a deployment of the app we will be building: https://ift.tt/3ddb3jP (Notice the custom URL and HTTPS).
LetsEncrypt changed the SSL certificate world when its offer of free, short-lived, SSL certificates allowed a vast amount of individuals and companies to secure their web applications at no cost. With this service, the necessary infrastructure would need to exist, and to that end, a plethora of applications sprung up that fit the SSL-issuing needs.
When everyone’s face is milliseconds away on a Zoom call, who cares where their butts are sitting? Remote workers could be anywhere in the world. They are, by default, outsourced. It really doesn’t matter where you hire from anymore.
14 min read React, JavaScript, Tools Share on Twitter or LinkedIn In this article, we’ll explore the concept of error boundaries in a React application. We’ll work through an example app to see how we can use error boundaries to deliver a better app experience.