tech/webdev magazine

September 28, 2023

Bun hype. How we learned nothing from Yarn

Thursday, September 28, 2023 Teklinks

Here we go again, making the same mistake. I'm constantly reminded that every 5 years the amount of programmers in the world doubles, which means at any point, 50% of the industry has less than 5 years experience. Which is probably why we keep falling for stuff like Bun.

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Your Cache Headers Could Probably be More Aggressive

Thursday, September 28, 2023 Teklinks

We've got it real good when it comes to standing up websites these days (especially static ones). Modern hosts like Vercel and Netlify take care of a lot out of the box, shielding us from the meticulous, complicated stuff. Caching is one of them.

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September 26, 2023

Clean Code Is Slow, but You Need It Anyway…

Tuesday, September 26, 2023 Teklinks

In case you haven’t heard, something really interesting is happening in the programming/software development scene on Twitter. It started from one of Casey Muratori’s videos on Performance Aware Programming. It is aptly titled: “Clean Code, Horrible Performance.

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September 25, 2023

Generating Real-Time Audio Sentiment Analysis With AI

Monday, September 25, 2023 Teklinks

In his previous article, Joas Pambou demonstrated how to build a tool to transcribe audio files and assign a score that measures the sentiment expressed in the transcription. The idea was to showcase how an audio file can be transcribed and evaluated for emotion. Now, Joas expands the tool to provide a sentiment score in real-time and enhances the user experience by providing multilingual support.

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Introducing Playwright Support for Nx

Monday, September 25, 2023 Teklinks

We are very excited to announce our support for Playwright with our new plugin @nx/playwright. Before we start, let’s answer this question: what is Playwright and why should we use it?

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Write Commit Messages Like a Pro: The Power of Conventional Commits

Monday, September 25, 2023 Teklinks

In my journey to becoming a better developer, I recently learned of a practice called “Conventional Commits.” This came to my attention after noticing how clean and easy to understand a new teammate’s commit messages were. Intrigued by their approach, I decided to give this convention a try.

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September 24, 2023

Next.js 13.5

Sunday, September 24, 2023 Teklinks

Next.js 13.5 improves local dev performance and reliability with: 22% faster local server startup: Iterate faster with the App & Pages Router, 29% faster HMR (Fast Refresh): For faster iterations when saving changes, 40% less memory usage: Measured when running next start, Optimized Package Imports: Faster updates when using popular icon and component libraries, next/image Improvements: , art direction, and dark mode support, And over 438 bugs patched!

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What we talk about when we talk about impostor syndrome

Sunday, September 24, 2023 Teklinks

How does our emphasis on impostor syndrome keep us from having bigger, harder conversations about how to improve life for developers? Impostor syndrome—doubting your abilities to the point where you feel like a fraud—is an evergreen topic of conversation among software developers.

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September 20, 2023

A First Look at HTMX and How it Compares to React

Wednesday, September 20, 2023 Teklinks

For a while now, we've had heavyweights like React taking center stage in the world of dynamic web apps. While they're powerful, sometimes they can feel like overkill, especially if you're more of a backend champ navigating the frontend labyrinth.

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When High Performers Make Good Leaders Feel Bad

Wednesday, September 20, 2023 Teklinks

For many high performers, the drive to achieve at work is similar to what animates marathoners and climbers of Everest. It just feels good to do hard things. Pushing the boundaries of their capabilities and contributing to the fullest of their capacity is their drug.

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Do One Thing and Do It Well

Wednesday, September 20, 2023 Teklinks

In October 1984 two ideologues published a radical manifesto… sort of. Program Design in the UNIX Environment, by comp-sci legends Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike, articulated a pattern for software architecture that both men had already spent years fighting to preserve.

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September 18, 2023

My thoughts on Bun and other Adventures

Monday, September 18, 2023 Teklinks

Hi Folks! As I write this, I'm on a plane to London, where I will spend the entire week working with my co-founder, Luca Maraschi. Since I last wrote, there has been quite a bit of news.

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Get Real-Time Updates With Server-Sent Events

Monday, September 18, 2023 Teklinks

There are many ways to implement real-time updates to a web browser; Server-Sent Events (SSE) is a straightforward and simple way to push updates to the browser. SSE is a standardized technology for enabling server-to-client communication over HTTP.

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What's a Merge Queue and why use it?

Monday, September 18, 2023 Teklinks

That's a good question, isn't it? Indeed, if it was only a little known term a few months ago, merge queues are more and more talked about. Between announcements from leaders like GitHub and real technical solutions, merge queues are increasingly adopted by software development teams.

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September 16, 2023

Serverless Bun vs Node: Benchmarking on AWS Lambda

Saturday, September 16, 2023 Teklinks

Since the inception of server environments for JavaScript, NodeJS has reigned supreme as the go-to runtime. Node, along with its package manager, NPM, is now used extensively for projects ranging from small hobbyist side projects to enterprise-grade high-traffic systems.

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Understanding Webpack Module Federation: A Deep Dive

Saturday, September 16, 2023 Teklinks

Module Federation is an advanced feature in Webpack that provides a way for a JavaScript application to dynamically load code from another application. This feature allows for efficient code sharing and dependency management.

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September 14, 2023

Feature Flags with JavaScript Proxies

Thursday, September 14, 2023 Teklinks

JavaScript Proxies are objects that can intercept and customize the behavior of fundamental operations on other objects, such as getting and setting properties, invoking functions, and much more. With JavaScript Proxies, you can create "virtual" objects that behave like real objects.

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A Wide View of Automated Testing in React Apps

Thursday, September 14, 2023 Teklinks

This guide will be as succinct and straight to the point as possible. In the future, we would like to provide more learning material, such as: If you think you could help out with the above and are interested in working in open-source/public, you can get involved with us on GitHub.

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September 12, 2023

5 Best Frontend CI Tools for 2024

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 Teklinks

Continuous Integration (CI) tools play a crucial role in modern software development processes by automating code integration, testing, and deployment processes.

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September 11, 2023

useMemo overdose

Monday, September 11, 2023 Teklinks

Recently, I've been asked when to use the useMemo hook, and this question made me think and reflect on it. I slowly realised that I fell into the habit of using the useMemo hook for pretty much everything, and I couldn't explain why I was doing it.

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September 7, 2023

Astro 3.0

Thursday, September 07, 2023 Teklinks

Introducing Astro 3.0! Astro 3.0 is the first major web framework to support the View Transitions API. Fade, slide, morph, and even persist stateful elements across page navigation with ease. Until recently this had only been possible inside of JavaScript Single Page Applications (SPAs).

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Creating an NPX tool

Thursday, September 07, 2023 Teklinks

I’ve found myself creating a lot of tools that I use on a daily basis, and I’ve always wanted to make them accessible from anywhere, without having to download them. I’ve found that the best way to do this is to create an NPX tool. First, we need to create a new node project.

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Monorepo Semantic Releases

Thursday, September 07, 2023 Teklinks

Maybe the one of the reasons you reading this lines is that you already tried to setup semantic releases in the monorepo. Googled, crawled Stack Overflow, maybe asked ChatGPT but lots of questions remained unanswered. At least that’s what my experience was… Explicitly defined monorepo members.

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September 5, 2023

The Future of Module Federation

Tuesday, September 05, 2023 Teklinks

Over the past 4 years, I have encountered my fair share of limitations in Module Federation. It did the job it was built to do, import code from other bundles. But over time, as use cases, scale, and userbase got larger — there were design oversights that would have been really helpful to consider.

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If you want to address tech debt, quantify it first

Tuesday, September 05, 2023 Teklinks

When Ward Cunningham coined the technical debt metaphor, he needed a way to discuss the decisions made early in a project that were coming back to haunt his engineers as they continued building down the line. He was at a firm doing financial software, so a fiscal metaphor was in order.

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September 4, 2023

React Suspense in three different architectures

Monday, September 04, 2023 Teklinks

React Suspense has had a strange journey: for years it was little used and was seen as having little benefit, just a fancy way to render a loading state. With the recent release of React 18, however, Suspense provides a whole new set of benefits which deserve a second look.

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Good Engineer, Excellent Engineer, Architect

Monday, September 04, 2023 Teklinks

Let me explain. Engineers' focus area is systems construction. They naturally need to become experts in answering a “how to build a system” question by defining the target system structure and performing modular synthesis.

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