tech/webdev magazine

September 15, 2024

Why GitHub Actually Won

Sunday, September 15, 2024 Teklinks

A few days ago, a video produced by @t3dotgg was posted to his very popular YouTube channel where he reviews an article written by the Graphite team titled “How GitHub replaced SourceForge as the dominant code hosting platform”.

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Zustand adoption guide: Overview, examples, and alternatives

Sunday, September 15, 2024 Teklinks

Since the rise of dynamic applications, state management has been a primary concern for developers using modern frontend frameworks to build SPAs. State management solutions enable developers to share data locally in a component and globally between the multiple pages of an application.

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September 13, 2024

From Parcel to Vite: A short story of a 100K LOC migration

Friday, September 13, 2024 Teklinks

We have three main frontend projects at Logto: the sign-in experience, the Console, and the live preview. These projects are all in TypeScript, React, and SASS modules; in total, they have around 100K lines of code. We loved Parcel for its simplicity and zero-config setup. I can still remember the day when I was shocked by how easy it was to set up a new project with Parcel. You can just run parcel index.html and boom, all necessary dependencies are installed and the project is running.

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Sticky Headers And Full-Height Elements: A Tricky Combination

Friday, September 13, 2024 Teklinks

Sticky positioning is one of those CSS features that’s pretty delicate and can be negated by a lot of things, so here’s another one to add to your mental catalog: Sticky elements don’t play nicely if they have to coordinate with other elements to make up a combined height, like 100vh. Philip Braunen explores why this happens and presents a solution to fix it.

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September 12, 2024

The web's clipboard, and how it stores data of different types

Thursday, September 12, 2024 Teklinks

If you've been using computers for a while, you probably know that the clipboard can store multiple types of data (images, rich text content, files, and so on). As a software developer, it started frustrating me that I didn't have a good understanding of how the clipboard stores and organizes data of different types.

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React and FormData

Thursday, September 12, 2024 Teklinks

Learn React's newest and yet oldest standard for accessing form data, and the tricks to use it with TypeScript. When you learn how to access form data in React, historically you would have learned about controlled and uncontrolled fields.

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An SSR Performance Showdown

Thursday, September 12, 2024 Teklinks

Server-Side Rendering (SSR) is an often overlooked aspect when building high-performance web applications with Node.js. During my time consulting, many engagements centered around debugging Node.js performance issues. In these scenarios, the culprit is almost always SSR.

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September 11, 2024

The AI Driven Development Glossary

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 Teklinks

As I covered in the introductory article, “The Art of Effortless Programming” (currently being expanded into a book of the same name), AI Driven Development is the process of building software leveraging AI to produce source code or applications, largely automating tasks like code generation, documentation, testing, etc. It can produce profound improvements in productivity, up to an order of magnitude or better.

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Preloading files to reduce download chains in the browser

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 Teklinks

I made a little update to the site today to fix how browsers were loading files needed by other files. The custom font I use and the random quote in the header loads in slightly faster now because the browser is downloading all the files it needs at the same time.

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The future is standalone!

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 Teklinks

Angular v19 will make standalone: true the default for components, directives, and pipes. In v14 we introduced a developer preview “standalone” feature, which made it possible for the first time to build an application that didn’t rely on NgModules.

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September 10, 2024

Web Workers, Comlink, Vite and TanStack Query

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 Teklinks

I've written previously about combining Web Workers and Comlink. I recently found myself needing to use Web Workers again. As I picked them up this time I found myself making some different choices, now I was working in a codebase that used Vite to build.

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Tips from 8 months of TanStack/Router in production

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 Teklinks

On my last day at Tia I wrote a master vision doc for our TanStack Router app. Here are the parts I can share. These are battle-tested patterns and lessons learned from using TanStack Router in production since before v1.

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September 9, 2024

Governing data products using fitness functions

Monday, September 09, 2024 Teklinks

Decentralized data management requires automation to scale governance effectively. Fitness functions are a powerful automated governance technique we've applied to data products within the context of a Data Mesh.

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Good Retry, Bad Retry: An Incident Story

Monday, September 09, 2024 Teklinks

Sometimes, a seemingly simple and obvious solution can lead to a series of problems later on. This is especially true when adding retries. My name is Denis Isaev, and I’d like to share my experience dealing with reliability issues caused by retries.

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Thinking Like an Architect

Monday, September 09, 2024 Teklinks

Key Takeaways Architects aren't the smartest people on the team, they are the ones making everyone else smarter. An architect is an IQ amplifier. Riding the architect elevator means connecting the penthouse with the engine room.

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September 5, 2024

Unified Grid: How We Re-Architected Slack for Our Largest Customers

Thursday, September 05, 2024 Teklinks

All software is built atop a core set of assumptions. As new code is added and new use-cases emerge, software can become unmoored from those assumptions. When this happens, a fundamental tension arises between revisiting those foundational assumptions—which usually entails a lot of work—or trying to support new behavior atop the existing architecture.

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A bundler story: migrating from Webpack to Rspack

Thursday, September 05, 2024 Teklinks

Here at Alan, we have been using Webpack for years. While it has served us well, it has become a bottleneck for development. We recently completed the migration to Rspack, a Rust alternative promising better performance. This is a short story of our journey and learnings.

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My Architecture Drivers

Thursday, September 05, 2024 Teklinks

I don’t feel like an authority or an expert. I prefer to think about myself as a practitioner. Our industry is filled with self-proclaimed experts; we need more doers. For similar reasons, I was reluctant to call myself an “Architect” for a long time.

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September 4, 2024

Component testing in Storybook

Wednesday, September 04, 2024 Teklinks

Over the past decade, web UI technology has evolved by leaps and bounds. In spite of that, it’s harder than ever to build/maintain a production UI in 2024. At Storybook, we work with thousands of the top UI teams around the world, at places like Microsoft, Supabase, and JPMorganChase.

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September 3, 2024

How Micro-Frontends are reshaping Modern Web Architecture

Tuesday, September 03, 2024 Teklinks

Are you frustrated with slow deployment cycles, tightly coupled dependencies, and the cumbersome nature of managing monolithic front-end codebases? These common issues plague many development teams, leading to decreased productivity and delayed project delivery.

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Why Playwright is less flaky than Selenium

Tuesday, September 03, 2024 Teklinks

Yes, this is a link post to my own post on switching Rails system tests from Selenium to Playwright, which is newer, faster, and by all accounts I've ever heard from anyone who's used both of them: better.

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How To Create An NPM Package

Tuesday, September 03, 2024 Teklinks

In this guide, we'll go through every single step you need to take to publish a package to npm. This is not a minimal guide. We'll be setting up a fully production-ready package from an empty directory. This will include:

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September 2, 2024

Regexes Got Good: The History And Future Of Regular Expressions In JavaScript

Monday, September 02, 2024 Teklinks

Although JavaScript regexes used to be underpowered compared to other modern flavors, numerous improvements in recent years mean that’s no longer true. Steven Levithan evaluates the history and present state of regular expressions in JavaScript with tips to make your regexes more readable, maintainable, and resilient.

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How to make your web page faster before it even loads

Monday, September 02, 2024 Teklinks

As developers (and as front end developers in particular), we usually talk about web performance in the context of measuring what happens when we start to see things appear in a browser window, and when we can consume content or interact with the page.

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