Neuroscientists from the University of Washington have decoded brain signals in real-time and with astounding accuracy, as revealed in a recent study published in PLOS Computational Biology.
Good posture isn’t just about looks. How we sit, stand, and walk affect both our health and our moods. So stop slouching and get centered with these top 10 posture tips.
Linux was developed by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki in Finland. It was inspired by Minix, a small Unix System and was introduced in October 1991. The first official version was Linux 0.02. In 2001, 2.4 version was released.
Google wants everything on the web to be travelling over a secure channel. That’s why in the future your Chrome browser will flag unencrypted websites as insecure, displaying a red “x” over a padlock in the URL bar.
Ahh, HTML emails. One of the most dreaded parts of product design. For the uninitiated, designing and developing HTML emails is notoriously difficult. It results in a sea of tr's th's td's in your HTML code.
The Web Dev Zone is brought to you in partnership with Mendix. Better understand the aPaaS landscape and how the right platform can accelerate your software delivery cadence and capacity with the Gartner 2015 Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Application Platform as a Service.
Google is testing out its top secret 5G drones at New Mexico’s Spaceport Authority. The solar-powered drones are being tested with the help of Virgin Galactic, a spaceflight company owned by Richard Branson’s Virgin.
The Performance Zone is brought to you in partnership with New Relic. Quickly learn how to use Docker and containers in general to create packaged images for easy management, testing, and deployment of software.
OnePlus is now selling its "X" smartphone to anyone that wants it. The budget Android device had previously been part of OnePlus' much maligned invite-only policy, which makes buyers wait for a code before purchasing. (As if buying a $249 phone makes you part of some sort of exclusive club).
Thus far, 2016 is shaping up to be the year of a new and terrifying phase of the user interface design: the shame and guilt spiral as a feature. Freud believed that it was during the latency stage of psychosexual growth of a child (approximately between toddlerhood and puberty) that shame and guilt entered their awareness and became motivating emotions.
While employment in some industry sectors has suffered or stagnated during the past decade, Internet business has thrived. There have been significant increases in online purchases, and Internet advertising has become a $20B industry.
The Integration Zone is brought to you in partnership with Red Hat. Use these flashcards along with the popular open source integration framework Apache Camel as an easy reference during the design and development of integration projects.
The Integration Zone is brought to you in partnership with Red Hat. Use these flashcards along with the popular open source integration framework Apache Camel as an easy reference during the design and development of integration projects. Docker here, Docker there, I see Dockers everywhere.
About Me Docs Download Github Repo Demo drag anywhere to rotate scene voxel.css makes 3D rendering easy var scene = new voxelcss.Scene(); scene.rotate(-Math.PI / 8, Math.PI / 4, 0); scene.attach(document.body); var world = new voxelcss.World(scene); var editor = new voxelcss.Editor(world); editor.
UIKit is a very powerful framework and provides various ways to transition between view controllers. Some of the animations provided by UIKit include horizontal sliding (via a push segue), vertical sliding, cross fade, and page curl.
One image for all screen resolutions and different devices is not enough. An image per pixel is too much – so how can someone automatically choose the optimal responsive image sizes?
The Performance Zone is brought to you in partnership with AppDynamics. Discover five of the top performance metrics to capture to assess the health of your enterprise Java application. The following is adapted from a talk given by Valentin V. Bartenev at nginx.
During the StartmeupHK Festival in Hong Kong this week, an expansive Elon Musk addressed some key questions about SpaceX's ambitions for Mars, as well as his personal spaceflight plans.
Facebook pages can be very informative and they can be very annoying too. You have to weed out the bad ones and a good Facebook page can quickly, and very easily, turn into a bad one.
Maintainers of the OpenSSL cryptographic code library have fixed a high-severity vulnerability that made it possible for attackers to obtain the key that decrypts communications secured in HTTPS and other transport layer security channels.
We spend a lot of energy looking for shortcuts to save time, and sure, those shortcuts add up. But when I look back, my biggest time regrets aren’t spending too much time on Twitter or mismanaging my daily tasks.
is a clone of inline editor toolbar. It uses contenteditable API to implement a rich text solution. MediumEditor has been written using vanilla JavaScript, no additional frameworks required. View the MediumEditor Options documentation on all the various options for MediumEditor.
Oracle has announced that it will kill the much-maligned Java browser plugin in the next release of the Java Development Kit, slated for release next year. For years, the bundled plugin put users at risk with its numerous security flaws.
The Integration Zone is brought to you in partnership with Red Hat. Use these flashcards along with the popular open source integration framework Apache Camel as an easy reference during the design and development of integration projects. Ok, I’ve broken my promise.
Depois de ter sido condenado no caso BTuga, Luis Ferreira vê-se livre do caso BTNext, que foi encerrado em Dezembro e aparentemente coloca um ponto final definitivo em todo o processo.
I don’t know about you, but every time I see “fast-paced environment” in a job ad, I think that place might be Wall Street-level intense. Job seekers and former job seekers alike, what are the phrases in job ads that make you most wary?
Google's DeepMind division has pulled off an impressive milestone. It's AI has beaten a top ranked Go player five matches to zero. While computers winning chess matches against professional players has been old hat for a while, the computational power needed to master the Chinese game is astronomical. According to Google, there are more possible moves in a game of Go than there are atoms in the universe.
The DevOps Zone is brought to you in partnership with Go Continuous Delivery. Learn the 5 key patterns to setting up a successful deployment pipeline, including designing parallel workflows, running tests in parallel, and more.
Every web developer should know SQL. Although it has been around since the 70s, it is still widely used, and you can’t build a serious application without it. Most full-stack frameworks have libraries for dealing with the SQL complexity – ActiveRecord, Doctrine, Hibernate and more.
Web design is a fascinating and profitable career field, but its practitioners often have to deal with various issues, ranging from working with difficult clients to coping with various interruptions.
In this blog post I’ll try to compare the performance a few popular javascript frameworks. Measuring the performance of browser content can be challenging and I’m prepared for harsh replies.
Hear, hear! SmashingConf NYC 2016 is coming! A spectacular performance about failures, successes and superpowers in front-end and UX — now on Broadway! A flabbergasting show on fascinating endeavours in web design, with busted myths, horror design stories and wisdom gained from daunting real-li
The Cloud Zone is brought to you in partnership with Discover how Microservices have transformed the way developers are building and deploying applications in the era of modern cloud infrastructure.
So, I was reviewing some code today that was using two for loops to remove elements from a JavaScript array. I won't relate the code here but I figured there has got to be a nicer way.
The Agile Zone is brought to you in partnership with Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Read about the 6 keys to Agile Delivery and how you can use the proper implementation of Agile enterprise solutions to transform software and application development.
Responsive websites, even the most modern ones, often struggle with selecting image resolutions that best match the various user devices. They compromise on either the image dimensions or the number of images.
The library creates HTML5 audio element and uses it to play mp3/ogg audio files which is currently supported in all browsers. At the root of your website directory create a folder named “sounds” with 2 more folders inside it with the names “mp3” & “ogg”.
An interview with Erika Krukowski of Studio Science. As we’ve talked about before, we’re hell bent on exposing the efforts and insights of the web and email industry’s best practices and toughest lessons well learned.
Yep, one of those mystery riddles again? To celebrate the launch of SmashingConf NYC, we’ve prepared yet another riddle, and this time it will be a matter of patience and following clues. As usual, we’ve hidden secret keys in a series of animated GIFs. There are 5 levels in total.
The Integration Zone is brought to you in partnership with 3scale. Take control of your APIs and get a free t-shirt when you complete the 3step Challenge. Today we’re going to look into a refreshing, simple, nice and pragmatic framework for writing REST applications in Java.
The skills you’ll need to land a job as a front-end web developer will vary from one place or one position to another, but there are several skills that are common to most web development jobs. Skillcrush shares 11 of them below.
The Performance Zone is brought to you in partnership with New Relic. Quickly learn how to use Docker and containers in general to create packaged images for easy management, testing, and deployment of software. When correctly deployed, caching is one of the quickest ways to accelerate web content.
You've probably run into websites (or buggy browsers) that have inadvertently bogged down your devices, but there's one lurking out there that causes very intentional grief. If you visit crashsafari.
The Integration Zone is brought to you in partnership with 3scale. Take control of your APIs and get a free t-shirt when you complete the 3step Challenge. In this article, we will try to understand the service locator pattern.