tech/webdev magazine

February 29, 2020

Persisting React State in localStorage

Saturday, February 29, 2020 Teklinks

This is a cross-post from my personal blog. View it there for at least 35% more whimsy! Let's say we're building a calendar app, like Google Calendar. The app lets you toggle between three different displays: month, week, and day.

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February 28, 2020

Should you care about the license?

Friday, February 28, 2020 Teklinks

Before I was not concerned about license of npm package. I could check the license of immediate dependency but never checking 3rd party (transitional) dependencies.

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February 27, 2020

Setting Up Tailwind CSS In A React Project

Thursday, February 27, 2020 Teklinks

In the dispensation of CSS libraries and frameworks, a ton of awesome libraries have been built to simplify the work of a developer in the quest to create intuitive interfaces. However, quite a lot of them (Bootstrap, Foundation) impose design decisions that are difficult to undo; they come with predefined components, therefore, eliminating the need for dynamic customization. This is the reason why Tailwind CSS is considered to be a good choice for building 21st-century web interfaces.

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8 Out of 10 QATs Said They Prefer Cypress.

Thursday, February 27, 2020 Teklinks

Software development was once a slow, laborious process. Analysts would spend weeks detailing comprehensive volumes of requirements, architecture and design documents. Developers waited in the wings while stakeholders reviewed and revised the docs.

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February 26, 2020

React Router v6 in Two Minutes

Wednesday, February 26, 2020 Teklinks

At the time of writing, React Router v6 is shown on the horizon as an alpha version. Even if it is an early alpha version, there is so much great news to talk about. As you may already know, there is another great routing solution for React called Reach Router.

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Performant front-end architecture

Wednesday, February 26, 2020 Teklinks

This post describes some techniques to make front-end apps load faster and provide a good user experience. We'll look at the overall architecture of the front-end. How can you load essential resources first, and maximize the probability that the resources are already in the cache?

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Opinion: The unspoken truth about managing geeks

Wednesday, February 26, 2020 Teklinks

I can sum up every article, book and column written by notable management experts about managing IT in two sentences: "Geeks are smart and creative, but they are also egocentric, antisocial, managerially and business-challenged, victim-prone, bullheaded and credit-whoring.

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February 25, 2020

Styled Components vs. CSS Stylesheets

Tuesday, February 25, 2020 Teklinks

Over the last few years, CSS-in-JS solutions have become prevalent across the front-end landscape with many offerings such as styled-components, and emotion that provides a way to colocate your components and style definitions.

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Setting Up a New MacBook for JavaScript Development

Tuesday, February 25, 2020 Teklinks

I just got a new MacBook, and I need to prep it for JavaScript software development. This happens all the time when you get hired for a new job, or when you just need to upgrade your personal machine for side projects.

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February 24, 2020

Forgotten Map Types

Monday, February 24, 2020 Teklinks

Several years ago, I stumbled on a map so shocking to my modern workaday sensibilities that I couldn’t quite believe my eyes. “Oh, zounds, look at this old thing,” I almost certainly thought.

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February 23, 2020

Exploring the New GitHub CLI

Sunday, February 23, 2020 Teklinks

GitHub recently announced their new CLI offering. It allows us to do GitHub work directly from the command line. This is more than just push or pull and is not tied directly to the Git command line tools. It is also not the same as GitHub’s hub CLI tool.

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5 MORE Awesome features in Chrome DevTools.

Sunday, February 23, 2020 Teklinks

I use this one all the time. Often times you’re working with a large code file and need to see what’s happening on a specific line of code. You could open the Sources panel, search for the location you’re interested in, and set a breakpoint. Try this instead.

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February 22, 2020

So You Want to be a Functional Programmer (Part 1)

Saturday, February 22, 2020 Teklinks

Taking that first step to understanding Functional Programming concepts is the most important and sometimes the most difficult step. But it doesn’t have to be. Not with the right perspective. When we first learned to drive, we struggled. It sure looked easy when we saw other people doing it.

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4 Ways to Document a React Component Library

Saturday, February 22, 2020 Teklinks

Component libraries are the de-facto modern way to reuse UI components. They help ensure UI consistency across teams and standardize development. When building a React component library it’s important to provide proper documentation, so that people can adopt and use the components.

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February 20, 2020

Angular 9: Lazy Loading Components

Thursday, February 20, 2020 Teklinks

Angular 9 has some pretty awesome new features. The runtime, code-name Ivy, opens the doors to things like making lazy load Angular components more straightforward than ever. This article shows you how to lazy load with Angular 9 and provides the code and resources along the way.

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February 18, 2020

Face recognition using JavaScript

Tuesday, February 18, 2020 Teklinks

Face detection is one of the most common applications of Artificial Intelligence. The use of Facial detection has increased in the last couple of years. In this tutorial, we will build the face recognition app that will work in the Browser.

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February 16, 2020

To Understand Concurrent React, Look Outside React

Sunday, February 16, 2020 Teklinks

Third talk is Let’s Get Lazy: Explore the Real Power of Streams by Venkat Subramaniam using Java, but also Haskell and Scala. Processes voluntarily yield control periodically or when idle or logically blocked in order to enable multiple applications to be run concurrently.

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Getting Acquainted With Svelte, the New Framework on the Block

Sunday, February 16, 2020 Teklinks

Svelte is in a strong position considering its late entrance and small community. Developer satisfaction is high, while the big three have been seeing recent declines. The Svelte community is small, but growing, and the code is open source which is a huge plus for the overall web community.

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13 Must-Have Browser Extensions for Web Developers

Sunday, February 16, 2020 Teklinks

Modern browsers like Google Chrome not only provide a great experience for visiting websites, but they offer great tools for web developers to build awesome applications. One can choose from a variety of great browser extensions, so I’ve collected some of the best that will help software engineers be more productive, develop applications more quickly, or find bugs.

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February 15, 2020

Innovation Can’t Keep the Web Fast

Saturday, February 15, 2020 Teklinks

Every so often, the fruits of innovation bear fruit in the form of improvements to the foundational layers of the web. In 2015, HTTP/2 became a published

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Best React open-source projects

Saturday, February 15, 2020 Teklinks

It is no secret that every great developer should be committed to open source projects. It is useful for personal professional development, as well as for the technology ecosystem.

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February 14, 2020

ESLint configuration and best practices

Friday, February 14, 2020 Teklinks

This post describes how I setup ESLint in different scenarios. We'll start with a simple plain JavaScript project and then we'll deal with TypeScript, and also React. The aim is to do the things right and avoid installing random packages or copy/pasting snippets of configuration until things work.

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February 12, 2020

Improve Your Workflow With These 4 GitHub Actions

Wednesday, February 12, 2020 Teklinks

If you host your code on GitHub, you can take advantage of GitHub Actions. Instead of running all tests and linters manually, you can leverage GitHub Actions for those tasks. Without further ado, here are four time-saving GitHub Actions that will improve your workflow.

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An Introduction to Using Web Workers in React

Wednesday, February 12, 2020 Teklinks

Web Workers are a way of running web scripts in background threads without blocking the main thread. JavaScript is a single-threaded environment, which means that multiple scripts cannot be run at the same time. A single thread means that every line of JS code is executed one at a time.

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10 Useful React Components for 2020

Wednesday, February 12, 2020 Teklinks

For me, small and specific solutions in the form of single components, make more sense than the all-in-one solutions offered by component libraries. I like to pick and choose my own components, I don’t like long documentations and I’d like to avoid meaningless updates that often break things.

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February 9, 2020

Introduction to functional JavaScript programming

Sunday, February 09, 2020 Teklinks

This is an introduction to functional JavaScript programming. First, you will learn what functional programming is about and what pure functions are. Afterwards I explain two built-in array functions. Don’t miss the section about currying and point-free notation.

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7 Habits that Seem Lazy (But Actually Let You Get More Done)

Sunday, February 09, 2020 Teklinks

In 1850, French economist Claude-Frédéric Bastiat published his famous essay, “Ce qu’on voit et ce qu’on ne voit pas” or, “What is seen and what is unseen.” In it, he argues against the “bad economist” who looks only to the initial effect of actions taken, and not their further consequences.

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React Libraries in 2020

Sunday, February 09, 2020 Teklinks

React has been around for a while. Since then a well-rounded yet overwhelming ecosystem evolved around the component driven library. Developers coming from other programming languages or frameworks often have a hard time figuring out all the building blocks for building web applications with React.

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February 8, 2020

10 Must-Know Chrome Developer Tools and Tricks

Saturday, February 08, 2020 Teklinks

Just because a website is blazing fast on your monstrous gaming PC with its 10GB/second download speed doesn’t mean it’s fast for most users. Old phones relying on laggy connections are still trending.

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From Software Engineer to Engineering Manager

Saturday, February 08, 2020 Teklinks

A year ago, all engineers at ShopBack reported directly to the CTO. We had no Engineering Managers (EM), no team leads, and in other words — no structure. Recognising this as a rising issue for a start-up with a 250% year-on-year growth rate, we hired a VP Engineering to put a proper structure in place.

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February 5, 2020

Typing objects in TypeScript

Wednesday, February 05, 2020 Teklinks

In this blog post, we will explore how objects and properties are typed statically in TypeScript. Records: A fixed amount of properties that are known at development time. Each property can have a different type.

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How To Recover From A Bad Day In 5 Minutes

Wednesday, February 05, 2020 Teklinks

My second year in college began with boundless excitement. I was smitten with a super-cool woman in my psychology class. We hadn’t started to date yet, but I knew that was the next step.

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Build a Weight Tracker App with Node.js and PostgreSQL

Wednesday, February 05, 2020 Teklinks

Did you make any resolutions this year? One resolution I seem to make every year is to lose weight and exercise. Sometimes I even stick to it. A good way I have found to keep on track with any resolution is to record progress.

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Testing React with

Wednesday, February 05, 2020 Teklinks

What is Cypress? Cypress is a front-end testing tool. Cypress allows you to test anything thaty runs in a browser. With Cypress, you can write unit tests, integration tests and end-to-end tests. Cypress architecture allows you to have complete control over your application.

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How I share React components between projects

Wednesday, February 05, 2020 Teklinks

Such as creating the same types of components — buttons, forms, navbars etc — over and over again. I recently came across a platform called Bit, which provides developers with an easy and effective way for sharing components between projects.

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February 3, 2020

PurgeCSS 2.0

Monday, February 03, 2020 Teklinks

When you are building a website, you might decide to use a CSS framework like TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, MaterializeCSS, Foundation, etc… But you will only use a small set of the framework, and a lot of unused CSS styles will be included. One optimization would be to remove the CSS that is not used.

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How to Add Custom Functions to a Jest Test Suite

Monday, February 03, 2020 Teklinks

Jest is a fantastic testing framework. Of the many I’ve used across different platforms and languages, it’s the best by a landslide. Jest is fast to learn, easy to use, full of features out of the box, and simple to customize.

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